Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Halloween

Wes and I now have internet at our house, so more blogging here I come!

Here are my nieces and cousins from Halloween.

 Look how happy Emery is! 
And the Bogards! (such a cute fam) :)

Emery was seriously excited about her princess toothbrush from our dentist, Go Dr Nance!

And as for passing our candy at our house (which I was so excited about) we did not have one, NOT ONE trick or treater.. All the candy is mine and Wes's belly now. Booo!? (question mark) Lol

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Here we are at the Pumpkin Patch, finding our perfect pumpkins!

With their "perfect pumpkins"

Sorry don't have much time to write... But you get the idea ;)