Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blakely 1 month old

I can't believe one month has already came and went. We basically blinked and 4 weeks flew by and Wes and I are both beyond smitten by her.

Sleep: She goes to bed between 10:30-11:30, First wake up between 1:30-2:30 eat 2 ounces and back to sleep in your Rock n' Play. Second wake up between 4:30-5, for about a half hour to eat then back to sleep until about 7:30-8. Ever since bringing her home this has been her set schedule, with only waking up two times in the night (I'm not complaining!)
She loves her bink during the day but does not want it in the middle of the night, loves to be swaddled and loves white noise that we play from the iPad.

Eat: At the hospital drinking about 1 ounce then once we came home within a couple days up to 2 ounces every 2-3 hours. 
In the hospital we tried breastfeeding and she latched pretty good, but since I wasn't producing anything we already had given her several bottles and then once we came home the bottles in the middle of the night just came so much easier, so basically we stayed with bottle feeding her. I did pump for a little while but only did it about two times a day for the first week then slowly started fading it out to one time a day and I wasn't producing much so we were still giving her a bottle afterwards. Then it just ended up being too much work to pump while she slept. I ended up fading that out after about two-three weeks.

Nicknames: "Little toaster oven" (because she will overheat you when holding her). Cousin Aspyn calls her "Baby Blakey." "Princess" and "baby girl."

Favorites: Binky and your bottle

5 Day Appointment: Dr Anderson at Utah Valley Pediatrics - Weight 7 lbs 15 oz. Almost 20 inches long. 

1 Month Appointment: Weight 8 lbs 5 oz.. One ounce less than when she was born. Now Dr Anderson said we can start doing tummy time and up her bottles to 3 ounces.

Birth Announcement